Why LoRaWAN is Important for Smart Devices and Home Security

Why You Need LoRaWAN for Your Smart Devices and Home Security?

With the advent of improved technology, the world has never been easier to live in, new innovations and smarter living spaces as well as devices have been made possible with IoT.

On a general note, people want to be able to communicate with their environment more in a less complex and easy way, and this is easier with advancements in the world of IoT.

In order to be able to communicate properly with devices and smart homes, one must go with an efficient and effective IoT network. The Network has to be simple to install, easy to maintain, of low cost and easy to monitor. For the builders, this network should be of major benefits in terms of cost and profitability.

LoRa and LoRaWAN(the MAC protocol of LoRa) offers all of these requirements for your smart homes and devices.

Why You Should Go With LoRaWAN

If you are looking to connect better with your home or your devices, then LoRaWAN is what you need. It does not require any additional wiring or building infrastructure, this is particularly useful if you are looking for something to communicate better with your smart home and devices.

LoRaWAN is not only for residential home owners, it is well compatible with large businesses and even formation of smart cities.

It Saves Power

Monitoring of environmental factors like air quality, humidity, temperature or even water consumption is important in smart homes. It makes the building more safe and enjoyable to use. These sensors can help sensitize when there is a leak or damage somewhere, especially in water basements.

Sensors are placed in sinks and water basements to report flood or moisture changes, these sensors in turn effect a change that allows the tap be shut off or water supply stopped to prevent a flood or water damage.

While the sensors are important, it is also paramount that they are power efficient and this is made possible by the ability of LoRaWAN to effectively increase the efficiency of sensors thanks to its low data usage.

It Saves Cost

While saving battery life and improving the efficiency of sensors, LoRaWAN is at the same time cost efficient.

By reducing the maintenance costs of sensors, it becomes easier to make use of IoT in smart homes. LoRaWAN for IoT industries is also highly beneficial, as it is easy to install and set up, thereby reducing the cost of production.

Security In Smart Homes With LoRaWAN

A single LoRaWAN gateway sensor can be connected to variety of sensors in doors and windows.

If there’s a detection of unusual activities or movements around these windows and doors, they can easily alert security officials to take proper action.

This makes LoRaWAN very suitable for home security, and this benefit is further reinforced by low cost and data usage.

Personal Care With Smart Devices

Thanks to its long range capabilities, LoRaWAN can be used in personal care for old and aged people, or even individuals that may need medical attention from time to time.

The sensors connected with LoRaWAN can easily be used outside the home or even within the home in garages or backyard.

Property Owners And Rental House Owners

Property owners and managers can monitor their smart homes easily with LoRaWAN, thanks to the long range and low power capabilities, rental house owners can ensure the safety of their smart homes and properties.

Other Benefits of LoRaWAN LoRaWAN brings other benefits such as bi-directionality, security and accurate localization which cannot be said for most other LPWAN.

These benefits allow for compatibility with diverse business parameters, ranging from individuals aiming to make their personal residence smarter and easier to live in, to large business owners aiming to manage their properties better.

Go for LoRaWAN Currently, on the market, LoRaWAN offers one of the most cost effective and long range connectivity for IoT devices. It offers the capability to reach hundreds of square kilometers while at the same time being able to utilize low power, thereby improving the battery life of your device.

The management and installation of LoRaWAN is cost effective and economic and at the same time, it offers optimum connectivity and range of network.

LoRaWAN on an industrial scale can connect cities and enhance the formation of smarter living spaces and with deeper penetration of network, one can be able to monitor water and even gas levels in smart homes.

Read more Decoding LoRa Technology: Understanding the Differences Between LoRaWAN®, LoRa P2P, and LoRa Mesh