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RAK Developers: Take Our Survey

At RAK, we value your feedback. That is why we invite you to take part in our RAK Developer Community Survey to help us better understand your needs and improve your IoT journey.

By answering this survey, we are able to assess your needs, as well enhance the wider IoT community!

Take our survey now: RAK Developer Community Survey

As a special thank you for participating, 20 people will receive some RAK swag! Answer the survey, and get a chance to win a RAK T-shirt, Automatic Screwdrivers, or 10% in-store coupons!

RAK will choose the winners with a lucky draw. Here are the mechanics:

  1. RAK will list all the survey entries.
  2. All survey entries will be collected, recorded, collated, and analyzed. This way, RAK is able to discover the majority of your answers.
  3. RAK will split the giveaways in 3 stages: a. Coupon codes, b. T-shirts, and c. Screwdrivers.
  4. There will be a total of 20 winners, wherein the prize breakdown is as follows:
    • 5 winners of 10% coupon codes that can be used at store.rakwireless.com
    • 5 winners of RAK T-shirts
    • 10 winners for RAK automatic screwdrivers
  5. RAK will use this site to pick the winners.
  6. The use of this site will ensure RAK’s demonstrably fair way of selecting random winners.
  7. Winners will be announced on our newsletter and across RAK social channels on January 8.

Follow us and stay tuned on all our social platforms to find out if you’re the lucky winner!

Campaign Period: December 11, 2020 - January 8, 2021.