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ANNOUNCEMENT: Shipment processing changes due to Chinese Spring Festival Celebration

In the coming week, the Chinese Spring Festival Celebration will start, and RAKwireless will be joining in on the celebration. In line with this, RAKwireless will cease shipping from February 7th until the 21th to make way for the festivities and anticipated delays from COVID-19 restrictions.

You can still place orders during this time and we will process them on Feb 21st. RAK will start shipping out orders on a “first in, first out” basis, which means orders that came in on the 7th will be given priority over orders placed at a later date. This method will continue until we are able to ship out all orders and to revert back to our regular shipping timelines.

Visit store.RAKwireless.com to place orders before Feb 7th and these will be delivered in the regular time frame.

Our customer support team will be active to answer any queries. Please email us at inquiry@RAKwireless.com, if you have any questions or concerns. We thank you so much for your understanding and patience.

RAK wishes you a prosperous and successful lunar new year!

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