Introducing More WisBlock Family Members: Led and Expansion Modules
In the previous article, we introduced the Inside WisBlock Week. In this article we’re back to give you more on the new WisBlock modules! Click. Code. Connect. away with 5 more of the latest additions to the product line opening up more possibilities for your future or existing IoT solutions:
RAK14001 RGB LED Module
RAK13003 IO Expansion Module
RAK13001 Relay IO module
RAK13004 PWM Expansion Module
RAK13002 IO Module
RAK14001 RGB LED Module
Create endless color combinations with the RAK14001 RGB module, giving you the option to create a simple status feedback interface with just one LED. Or, if you’re in party mode, liven up the room and combine it with our RAK18000 stereo microphone, and control the lights based on the music.

RAK13003 IO Expansion Module
Running out of GPIOs in your WisBlock solution? So were we. We decided to add 16 additional digital IO’s to our module portfolio. Each IO can be configured as input or output independently and you can set up an interrupt to get alerted if an input changes its status.
All IOs can be easily accessed with the pin-headers which are using 2.54mm pitch.

RAK13001 Relay IO module
In some projects, we need to handle peripheral components that are not compatible with the 3.3V power supply system of the WisBlock products. With the relay on the RAK13001, you can switch external power up to 110V safely. And the opto-coupled input on the module allows you to read signals up to 24V DC.

RAK13004 PWM Expansion Module
Some of the GPIOs on the WisBlock Core modules already support PWM, but sometimes you need more than that. Use our RAK13004 module and control up to 16 LEDs individually with PWM signals. Of course, you can use the PWM outputs as well for other purposes, but keep in mind that each output supports only up to 10mA.

RAK13002 IO Module
The idea for this module was brought to us via feedback from our RAKstar WisBlock users. The RAK13002 gives you access to all WisBlock GPIOs, I2C/SPI buses, and the two UART ports on four rows of pin headers. Easy to use, easy to access.

You can check out our updated WisBlock code repository with examples and libraries that help you get started with our new modules:
You can also visit our improved Documentation Center, which now includes Quick Start Guides for all WisBlock modules.
WisBlock just keeps getting better and better. We saved some guaranteed favorites for last, so keep your eyes peeled for the next blog!
Check all the new modules out and other WisBlock accessories at: